Online 2021 Course Calendar


The Institute for Humanitarian Studies and Social Development (IHSD), Nigeria, announces its 2019 Advanced Specialized Certificate Pprogramme in the following fields:

Course Calendar Information

1ADVOCACY AND POLICY INFLUENCINGTo strengthen the Advocacy and Policy Influencing skills of current and aspiring advocates for effective engagement with policy makers and duty bearers. Identify relevant issues for Advocacy & Policy Influencing (PI); Analyze the Policy Influencing environment; Assess the policy structures and procedures; Strategize a PI-goal with different stakeholders; Practice Skills for influencing the behaviour of decision makers; Formulate a Policy Influencing plan.
2GENDER AND RIGHTS ISSUETo bring participants up to date with emerging issues on gender and rights with particular focus on our society. Participants will understand the origins and evolution of gender equality and its links to human rights; International normative and legal framework for gender equality and human rights; Gender-based violence as a human rights issue; Gender and identity, sexual orientation and human rights amongst others.
3SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH AND RIGHT EDUCATIONBy the end of the training participants skills will be built/strengthened to be able to: Analyze important global sexual and reproductive health and rights problems; Describe historical important milestones in relation to sexual and reproductive health in a global perspective; Discuss the role of public health and health services as well as international agreements; Discuss gender inequality and the importance for sexual and reproductive health; Demonstrate a good understanding of the socio-cultural, political and ethical issues surrounding reproductive and sexual health.
4CHILD CARE, RIGHT & WELFARE/PROTECTIONParticipants will have their skills and knowledge improved on new approaches and strategies including national and international frameworks for ensuring that children are able to realize their human rights and that children’s rights practitioners, development workers, social workers, youth workers, legal professionals, law enforcement and policy makers have the knowledge and skills they need to promote and protect children’s human rights and ensure their welfare.
5UN HUMAN SECURITY APPROACH & DIPLOMATIC TRACKS IN CONFLICT RESOLUTIONBy the end of the training, participants would have learnt the different types of Diplomatic Tracks in resolving conflict and how to apply such in the cause of their works; they would equally have been exposed to the concept of human security practice by the UN (which replaces the old traditional security approach) and how to use such to address the security challenges in our society.
6NGO MANAGEMENT DYNAMICS, WORK PLAN DEVELOPMENT AND BOARD RELATION TECHNIQUESThe course is designed to enhance professionalism and equip participants with the necessary skills in tandem with global best practices and international standard in the management of humanitarian and non-profit programmes: At the end of the training participants would have had their skills enhanced on how to effectively run a sustainable organisation and avert certain pitfalls arising from leadership lapses and ignorance on certain ethics.
7HUMANITARIAN PEACE EDUCATION & CONFLICT PREVENTIONTo equip participants with the basic knowledge and strategies for peace education, conflict prevention through alternative to violence. To raise peace advocate who will join to enlarge the campaign on peace as a panacea to sustainable social development
8TEAM BUILDING & NETWORKING IN HUMANITARIAN CONTEXTTo develop participant’s skills on effective team building and networking as strategies for sustainable project and organizational growth.
9MANAGING INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS (IDPs) &REFUGEES DYNAMICSTo expose participants to the dynamics and challenges associated with internally displaced persons and refugees; causes, impact, recommended actions, preventive measures and mitigations. How to address come up with programs for those in the make-shift camps and plans towards resettlement and re-integration and re-unification with families.
10HUMANITARIAN PROJECT PLANNING&MANAGEMENTParticipants would learn about project management circle, conceptualization, implementation and other stages in project; defining project goals and objectives and outcomes, input and out-put; forming project team etc
11HUMANITARIAN DISASTER PREPAREDNESS AND EMERGENCY RELIEFAt the end of the course, participants would have learnt what disaster and emergency mean and the different types and levels of disaster; how to forecast, how to prevent, how to prepare and manage disaster and emergencies including search and rescue operations and as well as how to carry out relief operations.
12HUMANITARIAN GUARDIANSHIP & COUNSELLINGParticipants would learn how to educate others on self-discipline, choice making, and career issues; to guide and guard adolescent/youth and children on relationship issues and how to make informed decisions.
13FUNDRAISING AND GRANT PROPOSAL WRITINGTo provide participants with the right knowledge on international best practices and strategies in fundraising and proposal writing. To teach participants on how to sustain their organizations and projects through resource mobilization
14FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT & ADMIN IN THE NON-PROFIT SECTORParticipants would learn the best practices in financial management and accounting systems, reporting and administration with regards to the non-profit sector.
15CLIMATE CHANGE, ECO SYSTEM & THE ENVIRONMENTThe course will expose participants to the fundamentals of climate change and global warming as threats to humanity; and renewable energy. To understand the effects of climate change on the environment, the risks and opportunities that climate change brings about as well as the challenges that global warming poses and the possible solutions.
16EFFECTIVE MONITORING & EVALUATION MECHANISMParticipants will be equipped with skills on monitoring and evaluation; techniques, indicators and MoV’s, processes, tools and methodologies in relations to achieving project milestones and organizational sustainability and effectiveness.
17STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP AND ORGANISATION DEVELOPMENT DYNAMICSParticipants would learn the dynamics of leadership and organizational effectiveness; leadership qualities, features/characteristics, challenges, decision making, goal setting, values, public presentation, behaviors and image building.
18FAMILY & COMMERCIAL CONFLICT MEDIATIONParticipants would learn about conflict and its causes with reference to commercial and family conflict; and how to apply mediation techniques in resolving such conflicts.
19SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS AND ITS IMPLICATIONSAt the end of the training participants would be better equipped with adequate knowledge on the sustainable development goals in comparison with the millennium development goals. Participants would be able to interpret the millennium development goals and how to apply and implement same to address various development issues with regards to peculiar needs of our local environment and organizations.
20ABSTRACT AND REPORT WRITINGParticipants would learn how to develop and present good abstracts and how to use abstracts writing to increase their chances of receiving sponsorship and invitation to participate in international conferences. How to use abstract writing to communicate your ideals and bring certain issues affecting development to the public notice thus increasing information.

Feburary 2021

March 2021

April 2021

May 2021

June 2021

July 2021

August 2021

September 2021

October 2021

November 2021

Heads and Officers of NGOs, CSOs, CBOs, Foundations, Associations including Religious Organizations, humanitarian practitioners wishing to become specialists in certain areas. Individual development consultants, students and workers in the government and private sectors who wish to enhance their skills and build a career in development/humanitarian sector.
Complete the ONLINE Application through the online application link below, click to open the application form or copy and paste on web address bar to open; you can equally apply manually by calling us or texting your details.
All applications and payments should be completed at least two weeks before the commencement of each of the courses for the various centers. However, it is first come, first served. Early payment is highly advised.
Each Class and Course is for two days, followed by a non-compulsory field work or research project.



IHSD reserves the right to adjust dates of the training should any eventuality arise or public holidays fall within the stipulated dates. The Institute does not refund money paid for training when candidate fails to attend a registered class without a formal notice in writing at least two weeks to the date. However, a candidate can write to swap to another center in case of relocation or can defer admission to attend another class with the same cost.
Certificate of participation will be issued at the end of the training while advanced certificate of specialization indicating each successful participant as a specialist in the area trained would be awarded only on completion of a non-compulsory internship, volunteering assignment or research project; those who completed their internship/field work will be expected to submit a written report.

Persons wishing to have an advanced certificate of specialization from this Institution would have to go for a minimum of three or maximum of six months internship/ volunteering placement which serves as a field experience or should use same period to embark on a research project with an assigned topic within the area trained. This can be done at either IHSD office, partnering organizations or any of the government MDA’s and NGOs relevant to the candidate’s area of training of which report and short research-project feedback would be expected from the candidate for scoring.


IHSD treats participation in this training based on first-come-first-served basis; in terms of application and payment.

Applicants are encouraged to apply and pay earlier as we have a stipulated number of participants that must be accommodated in each class, therefore priority will be accorded to the first numbers of participants that pay to make up the required numbers for the class.


Secretariat/Registrar: +2348023686143 or +2348181100041

Our website: or

Email us @:,


Our Facebook page @:Institute for Humanitarian Studies & Social Development-IHSD
Please pay the stipulated course fees after application confirmation as follows

Account Name: – Institute for Humanitarian Studies and Social Development

Account No.: – 1012-3860-61

Bank: – Zenith Bank Nigeria PLC

And scan/submit your evidence of payments to the Registrar for confirmation & verification, at least two weeks before training commencement. This can be done through mobile transfer on across the counter deposit.
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08181100041 (Whatsapp),
080236861433 (Call)